Business Innovation

We help businesses to innovate and exponentially grow.

Innovation Diagonistic

Innovation Diagnostic provides an insight into organisation’s structures, processes and cultural aspects that support or stall innovation. This provides a baseline for development of the innovation approaches and set innovation goals for the organization.

Innovation in Business Model

Successful business models often challenge the status quo in their industry and define a new way to create, deliver and capture value. Business Model Innovation covers aspects such as the customer experience, economic engine, value proposition, distribution channels, etc. A good approach to Business Model Innovation includes the tools to create all the elements of the business model, highlight assumptions and evaluate the available options.

Innovation for Disruption

Disruptive innovation is an innovation in a product or  service or business model that either disrupts an existing market or creates a completely new market segment. Disruptive Innovation changes traditional value drivers in an existing market or create new use cases and markets.

Innovation in Market Spaces

Value Innovation reconstructs market boundaries, thus creating uncontested market spaces. Value Innovation helps companies move away from known crowded market space and defined industry boundaries where competitive rules of the game are known. Value Innovation creates wider and deeper market space that is not yet explored.

Innovation Capability Building

Most organisations under-invest in developing a robust innovation capability. Each organisation can identify and develop the right drivers of innovation in order to institutionalise innovation.

Innovation Leadership Development

Managing innovation requires a unique set of skills and a different set behaviors. Innovation Leaders must acquire a broad range of practical innovation skills and understand the core principles and underlying methods and approaches.

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